25 YEARS AGO, | Falmouth Packet


ROWDY revellers did their best to upset an outdoor choir concert in Falmouth at the weekend by making the singing difficult – then at least one made mattered worse by drenching the members of Treverva Choir in beer.

The area outside the Quayside Inn was packed with people who regularly enjoy such outdoor events which this year followed the dragon boat racing.

The annual RNLI open air service was held the same evening and the choir later moved in for their concert.

Mr Terry Tresize, chairman of the Treverva Choir, said they had performed at the quay for two summer seasons and been well supported by both the local community and holidaymakers.

“On this occasion it was disappointing that over-exuberance of a very few people should have effected the enjoyment of so many.”

Ponsanooth residents said they were by and large pretty glad to see the exodus of dilapidated vehicles and their occupants from the county dump after four years.

The landlord of the Stag Hunt pub, Brian Emmett said the travellers had been banned from the pub and he was glad to see the back of them.

“Now the people will have their village back again,” he said.

Sue Jenkin and her husband Kevin, who is vice chairman ofthe parish council were more outspoken.

“I am delighted they are gone, to be honest” said Mr Jenkin. “If you or me ran a scrapyard from our house, we would have to get planning permission.

His wife said nobody had ever stopped her in the road to say how glad they were that there were travellers in Ponsanooth.

The application to flatten the beach cafe at Maenporth and replace it with a new one was an absolute mare’s nest as far as planning is concerned, Budock chairman George Webber told his council.

Falmouth Packet:

The existing cafe was an eyesore, he agreed. It had also created a few problems and he said he was worried about the level of activity caused by the new application from the property arm of glass manufacturers Pilkington.

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