Premium Data Layers from SearchFlow provides property lawyers with enhanced geolocation insights and mapping


SearchFlow, one of the UK’s largest providers of legal due diligence data for residential and commercial property transactions, has introduced an enhanced data-led service that provides property lawyers with advanced location insights and the richest view of actionable data, revealing the insights needed to best understand the complexities of sites and properties they advise on from the outset.

The Premium Data Layers service, which is powered by the UK’s market-leading geodata service Promap™, collates information crucial to any property or real estate professional. As the leading Ordnance Survey Partner, Promap provides on-demand access to a full range of authoritative land and property datasets collated from statutory and best in class providers.

This service gives lawyers crucial site-specific insight, making it easier to identify any potential issues, opportunities or constraints at the earliest stage reducing likelihood of discovering matters of concern late in the process.

Lawyers can instantly review planning applications to build a picture of site history or potential surrounding risks or assess ownership and lease status to request informed Land Registry Searches. The environmental and constraints data includes the major land classifications from Greenbelt and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty to Nature Reserves and Scheduled Monuments. Property-level information includes listed building status and sale prices complete the picture while the tools to download data support clear analysis and communication with clients.

This data empowers lawyers to discuss each property in depth with the client with every new instruction providing better service and a more accurate view of project costs.

Dr Thomas Quirke, Managing Director of SearchFlow said, “Property lawyers are the ultimate arbiters of risks in the transaction process, so our Premium Data Layers mapping technology has the power to flag potential issues, uncovering accurate and vital information on the surrounding area. This helps to keep clients best informed about concerns and critical issues.

“The information can be used for decision making, on whether or how clients should bid for a site, for example. This is extremely valuable information that clients rely on their lawyer to provide swiftly; our Premium Data Layers mean the data is available far earlier in the process, saving clients weeks of potential delays or escalating costs. Forewarned is forearmed as they say.”

For a demonstration of SearchFlow’s new Premium Data Layers service, visit:  For more information on SearchFlow, call 0800 977 8818, email or visit


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