Brutally honest job ad tells ‘snowflakes’ not to apply – after boss lost 10 employees


Builder Adam Weedon says he’s fed up of hiring ‘workshy’ people for his labouring company after 10 of them quit, so posted a job ad insisting that ‘no snowflakes need apply’

Adam Weedon is tired of hiring ‘workshy’ blokes who quit after a few days

We’ve recently seen bosses demand some pretty ridiculous things from their employees, but one builder has a very simple requirement you must meet before you join his company – you cannot be a “snowflake”.

Adam Weedon has been hunting for labourers to work for him under his company Ad-A-Brick Building Services in Chatham, Kent, after struggling for months to find lasting employees.

The builder said he’s hired 10 people over the last 12 months – but they’ve all left the job because they found it “too hard”.

So to ensure Adam’s next hiring phase is his last, he posted a tongue-in-cheek ad on Facebook where he stated that “no snowflakes need apply” for the position.

The labourer insisted ‘no snowflakes need apply’ for his position


Kennedy News and Media)

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His Facebook post read: “Job advert for January onwards. Full-time labouring position, pay dependent on experience. Hard work, so no snowflakes need apply. Driving licence preferred or close to Waldersalde.”

The 40-year-old labourer claimed to have unsuccessfully hired 10 blokes aged 30 or under over the past year and said they all “love their phones too much” and were unwilling to get their hands dirty.

He said: “I’ve been looking for a building labourer and wrote the ‘no snowflake’ advert as everyone nowadays wants a job but doesn’t want to work for the money.

Adam says 10 employees quit over 12 months because they found the job ‘too hard’


Kennedy News and Media)

“I’ve had 10 people over the course of a year. They all love their phones too much and find the work, such as pushing a wheelbarrow, laying slabs, and doing drives and pathways, too hard.

“I wrote the ad as they’re [the people previously hired] are not fitting the bill – they’re workshy, on their phone and want their mummy to pamper them.

“They leave, they don’t turn up the next day because it’s too hard.”

Adam explained the decision to post the advert had been “bubbling up for a while” and he finally wrote it in mid-December after hunting for employees who stick around became “tiring”.

He added: “The decision to write the ad had been bubbling up for a while. I’ve got mates who own their own companies and they all say the same thing [about workers].

“It’s getting pretty tiring. I’m still looking for someone, I’ll give them a try and see where it goes from there.

“The answer, for the time being, is working on my own. I might as well jump in and out the digger and get the job done myself.”

What do you think of Adam’s job ad? Let us know in the comments below.

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