Resetting Our Relationships – Neath Port Talbot Council


In many ways the pandemic has seen us strengthen our ties and relationships with our residents, our communities, businesses and wider partners. We have seen how much we are able to achieve when we work closely together and we are very keen to continue building on this. Because together, we are better. Together, we are NPT.

Using what we have learned over the past couple of years, and tapping into your feedback on how we should work closely together, we want to reset and renew our relationships so we each play our part in reinvigorating NPT for all of us.

We will continue to be ambitious for NPT, to create the best opportunities for our children and young people, build services around what matters to people, encourage communities to be places where people get along together and support each other. We will support the local economy to grow, protect and support our natural environment and our rich heritage, to seek out new investment and provide value for money, we will keep the Council Tax as low as possible. We hope you will play your part too, by believing in our county borough, helping to protect and support children, young people and vulnerable residents, and by using our online services. It is important that you tell us what matters to you and let us know if we get things wrong, and please continue to get involved in your community, support local businesses, be healthy and active, reuse items and recycle more.

We are proud of the work we did to support our hard-pressed businesses during the pandemic, too, and of the way they worked so hard to serve our communities during very testing times. We will continue to play our part in this by creating vibrant town centres for everyone to access and enjoy, investing in more events, festivals and other initiatives that help local businesses to prosper. We will also continue to promote our area to investors so we can create good jobs for local people, and we will strengthen our business support team to help people start new businesses and to help existing businesses to grow.

We hope businesses will continue to play their part in big and small ways, like keeping town centres clean and tidy, by paying the living wage, by learning how to bid for goods and services that are being procured by public services, and attending events and helping to organise them where they can. Buying from your neighbouring businesses is also a vital way of doing your bit. We are still in a crucial phase of recovery and we can all play our part to help NPT thrive. These priorities have been carefully formulated in response to the current landscape and very much in response to your feedback on this important topic. We continue to seek your input on these proposals. Let’s Talk – this is your NPT so please be part of the conversation and share your views before 1st February.

Your feedback from the consultation will be used to finalise the proposals with a view to the plan being approved by Council in early March 2022.


Credit: Source link



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