Sodexo appointed to Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime property services integrator framework


Sodexo has been appointed as the single supplier on the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) new property services integrator framework.

The framework is accessible to all other UK public sector bodies, including the Offices of the Police and Crime Commissioners, the Greater London Authority and its functional bodies to buy a range of strategic property-related services.

Dan Weiss, Managing Director, Sodexo’s Property Professional Services said: “We are delighted to have been appointed to this framework. Occupiers are now expected to find solutions on how they adapt their portfolios to achieve net zero, make changes to their workplaces to accommodate hybrid working, balancing the imperative to support employee wellbeing, talent attraction and retention whilst also identifying cost savings measures to combat rising inflation.
“We look forward to working in partnership with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime to promote the benefits that we can bring to helping the public sector with these workplace and property challenges.
“Sodexo is very well placed to work in partnership with organisations who wish to explore the potential this new framework offers.”

Through the framework UK public sector bodies have access to Sodexo’s expertise and strategic advice through a range of property-related services, including:

  • Strategic property support services
  • Contract management
  • Operational management
  • Financial management
  • Provision and management of IT systems including building management systems
  • Procurement of supply chain services
  • Audit of the supply chain

Credit: Source link



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