Man in 70s left ‘shaken’ after four masked men enter property in Newcastle


A man in his 70s has been left “shaken” after four masked men entered a property in Murlough Court in Newcastle at around 9.15pm on Friday evening (February 4).

t was reported that they appeared to search the home before leaving empty-handed.

The incident is believed to be linked to a similar burglary which took place on the same day at a house in St Malachy’s Drive in Castlewellan.

Detectives are appealing for information following the incidents and are urging the public to report any suspicious activity.

Detective Inspector James Johnston said that the man who was inside the property in Newcastle at the time of the break-in was “not physically injured but was understandably left very shaken as a result.”

Detective Johnston said: “At this stage, we believe this incident is linked to an earlier report of a burglary at a house in the St Malachy’s Drive area of Castlewellan on Friday 4th February.

“Our enquiries into both incidents are ongoing, and we would appeal to anyone with any information, or who may have been in the area at the time and witnessed any suspicious activity, to contact us on 101, quoting reference number 1008 of 07/02/22.”

Inspector Johnston continued: “Burglars will often enter residential properties when residents are at home and search the property under the pretence of ‘looking for someone’ or ‘looking for drugs’, when in actual fact, these criminals are only searching for cash and other valuables to steal.

“We want to take this opportunity to encourage the public to report any suspicious activity because it could prove vital to our investigations. We would also urge residents to check on their neighbours and also to do all they can to protect their homes.

“If you need any further advice or information, please contact us on 101 where you can speak to your local crime prevention officer.”

Credit: Source link



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