‘Property United For Ukraine’ – how agents can he…


A new service has been set up by Agents Giving to highlight how the industry can help the humanitarian effort in Ukraine.

The launch website says: “If you’re an estate agent, you may be wondering how you can help people in Ukraine after the recent events that have been dominating the news headlines of late. There are several ways you can get involved and donate your time and money to help those who need it most right now. Here are five suggestions of things that estate agents can do to help people in Ukraine today.”

The five ways are: 

– Collecting Goods;

– Raising Money;

– Organising Fundraising Events; 

– Helping New Refugees; 

– Staying Informed and Spreading Only Correct Information.


The new platform suggests funds should be channelled to the Disasters Emergency Committee – regarded as the most significant fund-raising avenue in the UK.

Support for the fundraising comes from Propertymark, Boomin, Moneypenny, Agents Together, Kerfuffle, Pygott & Crone, The Guild of Property Professionals and Fine & Country Foundation.

You can see the website, and details of how to donate, here.

Credit: Source link



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