Coronavirus Update: Work absences due to COVID-19 slowed job growth in April


Good evening, these are the top coronavirus headlines tonight:

Top headlines:

In the past seven days, there were 484 deaths announced, down 1 per cent over the same period. At least 6,270 people are being treated in hospitals. Canada’s inoculation rate is 15th among countries with a population of one million or more people.

Sources: Canada data is compiled from government websites, Johns Hopkins and COVID-19 Canada Open Data Working Group; international data is from Johns Hopkins University.

Coronavirus explainers: Coronavirus in maps and charts • Tracking vaccine doses

COVID-19 updates from Canada and the world

Pandemic recovery

More reading

Residents in Beijing, China worry over tightening COVID-19 restrictions as dozens of new infections are reported daily and the country’s leaders commit again to zero-COVID policies.

  • China is increasingly out of step with the rest of the world where COVID-19 restrictions are being abandoned and vaccines relied on to protect people.

Internationally, the country faces complaints their zero-COVID policies is causing global economic reverberations.

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