Investment lettings firm rebrands in UK and Far East…


Leeds property investment agency Emerging Real Estate has undergone a company-wide rebrand in the UK and Hong Kong.

No images have been released of the rebrand but managing director Helen Mercer-Jones says, “it took months of planning, and going back to the drawing board, and multiple brand agencies for us to find the look we all wanted and felt was right for us. We wanted to freshen up, look more modern but try and retain our core values and professional company image.”

The decision for the re-brand came during lockdown last year.

“2020 was an exhausting year for so many people, and I think it was the event we needed to make us stop and really look at the business, press the reset button and think about who we are, where we are going and what we want our image to be” adds Mercer-Jones.

Tim Morgan, chief executive, adds: “it has been a really refreshing experience, and we are lucky that all our senior managers are on the same page. We did not find it difficult to collaborate our ideas and agree on what we liked, and what we didn’t like. I am proud of the new brand and excited about the future of ERE property.”

The company has also taken on board marketing executive, Emma Johnson, who has been working in the property industry for two years.

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