Beyoncé’s Break My Soul Inspires People To Quit Jobs


Even the ladies of The View discussed the song, comparing it to the 1977 country music song “Take This Job and Shove It.”

“The question is, is this song going to inspire more people to rethink their career paths?” Whoopi Goldberg said.

For Giselle Galindo in San Antonio, Texas, the answer was yes.

Galindo, 22, had worked as a Starbucks barista for three years, but recently struggled with feelings of burnout and a lack of motivation. Her true love is in theater, and she’d recently landed a gig in that field that she felt, in addition to another job at a summer camp, would give her the financial security she had been relying on Starbucks for.

“I’m just at a point in my life where I was just tired of feeling stuck,” Galindo told BuzzFeed News. “I was going back and forth these last couple of months. Like, ‘Oh, do I want to continue staying here just for the stability of the extra $400 that comes my way every two weeks? Is that what I really want?’”

On Monday morning, Galindo bit the bullet. She texted her boss that she’d be leaving and was putting in her two weeks’ notice.

But watching TV that night with her girlfriend in bed, she still wasn’t happy. Knowing she’d still need to go in tomorrow and stare at the clock felt mentally draining. And yet, she felt she had a duty to turn up — that was until she went online and listened to the new Beyoncé track.

By her own admission, Galindo lives her life with a hefty dose of main character syndrome. She looks for signs in the universe and compares her life to a movie. Now, here was her idol Beyoncé — another Texan, whose middle name is Galindo’s first name — seemingly offering up a message.

“We started listening and I kid you not the minute I heard Beyonce say, ‘I just quit my job,’ I knew I wasn’t going back to my job tomorrow morning,” Galindo said.

“We both looked at each other and we’re like, ‘Oh my god, it’s a sign. It has to be a sign,'” said girlfriend Alexes Salazar, 22. “Don’t go to work tomorrow. Yeah, like, don’t even finish your two weeks.'”

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