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Jabs for kids

Experts believe that the roll out of jabs for kids aged five to 11 may be key to stop disrupting education because of staff shortages.

Professor Russell Viner believes that the “balance of risks” indicates that schoolchildren should be vaccinated.

Prof Viner, from University College London, is an expert in child and adolescent health and is a member of SAGE.

He believes that while the age group are the least affected by covid sickness, if they were jabbed then it could stop the spread of the virus to staff.

Speaking to the i he said: “Five to 11s are probably the group least affected by Covid disease.

“The thing about Covid is it’s got the most extraordinary age risk profile… to be honest, five to 11 is the healthiest time of our life.

“It’s the time when we’re least likely to die or get sick from almost anything, and that is true of Covid.

“However, I expect and I would like the Government to include educational disruption and mental health issues in the decision, which is what happened with teenagers.

“I think it’s a very marginal medical decision, but if you include those broader issues.

“I think given the extremely promising safety profile in children– but I think the balance of risks is towards vaccination.

“We can be fairly sure that this is really a very safe vaccination for the five to 11-year-olds.”

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