Columbus companies partnering with historically Black colleges for jobs


To better understand why African Americans are underrepresented in the financial services industry, Nationwide engaged college students and professionals in a recent research study.

Nearly 90% of Black students perceived that they would have challenges based on their race. For Black advisors and others already in the industry, the rate was 87%.

“That’s heartbreaking,” said Kristi Martin Rodriguez, senior vice president of the Nationwide Retirement Institute. “It’s not smart for Nationwide to just contain this data, but how can we think of a way to change our industry?”

More:Black business leaders in Columbus see progress, want more inclusion in business sector

To that end, Nationwide partnered with historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and financial services firms to form the Financial Alliance for Racial Equity, or FARE. The alliance focuses on recruiting African Americans for internships and jobs, as well as investing in their development to keep them in the industry.

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