Consultation underway for demolishment of Lewisham shopping centre


A property development company has started consultation on plans to demolish Lewisham shopping centre.

Landsec has started its third round of consultation on the future of the shopping centre.

Landec is proposing new housing, new shop units and new public spaces alongside spaces for local business.

Landsec has devised a three-part plan based on previous consultations.

Feedback has helped the property development company comprise a “big picture view of how the shopping centre could be redeveloped”.

Landsec has listed the following proposals online: New public spaces We are proposing new public spaces and new green areas.

These will give the town centre safe places where people can relax, enjoy activities and events, escaping the busy roads and traffic that currently dominate the town centre.

Better movement around Lewisham We have looked at how we can transform the way that people move around the centre. We are creating new north-south and east-west walking and cycling routes.

We are proposing traffic-free routes that prioritise pedestrians and cyclists, and will provide safe and easy access through the town centre.

Housing We are proposing a significant amount of new housing.

We will provide a wide mix of housing to meet lots of different needs such as affordable housing, family and multi-generational housing and student housing.

This is a work in progress and we will have more detail in our next round of consultation.

Retail experience We are proposing new shop units in a range of sizes and flexible uses to diversify the types of business in the centre.

Alongside this, we will provide better shopping facilities and high-quality public spaces for recreation Eat, drink and enjoy We are providing spaces for food, drink and entertainment.

These will play a part in delivering a strong night-time economy in Lewisham.

The provision of more restaurants, cafes and bars will respond to the current lack of these facilities in the town centre and attract more people to visit.

Local businesses We will be providing dedicated spaces for small and local businesses.

The purpose-built spaces will be flexible to allow businesses to scale up as they grow.

Landsec is now asking for more feedback on the above ideas.

A link on Landsec’s site directs users to a feedback form.

News Shopper has approached representatives for Landsec and Lewisham’s shopping centre for comment.

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