Coronavirus Northern Ireland: One death and 3,833 new cases reported


One further death and 3,833 new Covid-19 cases have been identified over the past 24 hours in Northern Ireland, the Department of Health has reported.

riday’s latest statistics take the total number of Covid-related deaths since the start of the pandemic to 3,124.

A total of 560,282 people have now tested positive for the virus in Northern Ireland since the pandemic began.

Over the past seven days 28,110 people have tested positive and some 20 deaths have been recorded from the virus in NI.

There are currently 359 Covid-19 inpatients in hospitals across Northern Ireland.

The figures show 12 people are in intensive care, with ICU facilities across NI operating at 80% capacity.

Nine individuals in ICU with coronavirus need ventilators, while Northern Ireland’s hospitals are operating at 104% capacity with eight facilities over capacity.

There were 178 Covid-related admissions in the past week, down from 216 on the previous seven days.

There are currently 175 active outbreaks in care homes.

By noon on Friday, a total of 3,677,195 vaccines vaccines have been administered in total across Northern Ireland.

The figures show that of these, 927,620 booster vaccinations have been given.

The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (Nisra) recorded 35 deaths linked to Covid-19 in the latest weekly update.

The figure has remained at the same level across January in the data compiled by 

The latest deaths, registered in the week ending January 28, take the total number of coronavirus-linked fatalities recorded by Nisra to 4,181.

The Nisra figure is drawn from different data sources and is always higher than the Department of Health’s total, as it provides a broader picture of the impact of Covid-19.

On January 28, the department had reported 3,104 deaths.

The department’s statistics focus primarily on hospital deaths and only include people who have tested positive for the virus.

Nisra obtains its data from death certificates on which Covid-19 is recorded as a factor by a medical professional, regardless of where the death took place or whether the patient tested positive.

The statistics agency reports its Covid data with a week lag.

The Nisra figure includes 2,925 deaths in hospital, 890 in care homes and 366 at residential addresses, hospices or other locations.

Nisra reported that, up to January 28, the deaths of 1,171 care home residents were linked to Covid-19, 28% of all coronavirus-related deaths.

Covid-19 was also mentioned on the death certificate of 38 of the 336 deaths registered in the week to January 28.

Some of the deaths registered in the week ending January 28 could have taken place before that week, as fatalities can take a number of days to register.

Those aged 75 and over account for 73.2% of the Covid-related deaths registered between March 19 2020 and January 28 2022.

The NI Executive had been expected to meet next week to review all remaining Covid rules.

It’s understood Health Minister Robin Swann has sought legal advice as to whether a decision can still be made about lifting rules on face coverings, guidance on social distancing, contact tracing and travel, now that First Minister Paul Givan has resigned. 

Since the DUP MLA tendered his resignation, Sinn Fein called on the Secretary of State to call an early election, but there are fears that essential laws could be stymied if this occurs.

However, Deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill announced that a number of party leaders met virtually on Friday morning to “plan ways to get bills through in a quick step way”.

She added that “chief whips will now meet to progress this work”.

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