Couple’s dream home in Kirkby Stephen goes up in flames


A COUPLE has revealed their devastation after their dream home they spent five years building went up in flames.

Lesley and Tom Blogg bought Home Park Barn at Brownber, Newbiggin-on-Lune near Kirkby Stephen in 2017 with plans to convert the building into their forever home.

Mr Blogg, who works as a joiner, has been working tirelessly over the past five years on the property, undertaking almost all of the work himself.

However, on March 9 – just months away from completion – the building suffered a catastrophic fire and was completely destroyed, with only the walls left standing.

Mrs Blogg said the fire – the cause of which is still unknown – is a ‘massive blow’ for the couple who have invested more than £250,000 into the property.

Tom and Lesley Blogg

Referring to the events of that fateful morning, the 48-year-old said: “I was on my own, my husband was working in Sheffield.

“I got to bed about midnight and got up at 7am the next morning and could smell smoke.

“I went to the barn and saw smoke coming out of the door and dialled 999. Then I saw flames coming out of the door and because it was quite a windy day the wind was fanning the flames and making it worse.

The Westmorland Gazette:

“I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I thought I’m going to lose everything.

“Within 15 minutes the fire service was there and I rang my husband to tell him what had happened.

“It was a massive blow for him. He’d spent the past five years working on this building and putting his all into it. He wanted to do it all himself.

“We’d spent all that time working on the house and were only four or five months away from moving in. All our new doors, flooring, windows were in the house ready to be installed.

The Westmorland Gazette:

“We’ve lost everything. It’s just devastating.

“We thought this was our spot – our forever home.

“We have 11 acres of land and love animals – luckily we were able to get them all out safely.”

The couple, who had been living in a caravan next to the property since 2017, has been overwhelmed with offers of help and support to rebuild the property.

“The local community has been fantastic,” said Mrs Blogg, who works as a research scientist and medical writer.

“People were bringing us meals after it happened and said they’ll help us clear it out, it’s been incredible.

The Westmorland Gazette:

“We’re so grateful. People have been in tears when they’ve seen the house. It’s like a bereavement.

“After all the years of work, it’s just heart-breaking to think we have to start from scratch all over again, especially for Tom who’s put so much work into it.

“You never think something like this will happen to you. We want to rebuild it as it was if we’re able to get the money together.”

The Bloggs’ close friend Libby Bateman has launched a fundraising page for the pair – which has raised nearly £2,000 in less than 24 hours.

“We were reluctant to set up a Go Fund Me page because there is so much happening in the world right now,” Mrs Blogg said.

The Westmorland Gazette:

“But I have friends from all over the world who wanted to help but couldn’t drop a donation off or offer a helping hand so our friend, Libby, said this would be the best way.

“The donations from the fundraiser have been amazing. Knowing people can be so kind at such an awful time for us is such a comforting thought.

“The donations could go towards hiring builders to help Tom with the rebuild. It’ll help us so much.”

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