Driving laws: UK motorists warned of new road rules and fines in Spain just days away


British tourists and expats in Spain are being warned of the overhaul of road rules in Spain, with the country introducing a number of new laws on March 21. British drivers are being specifically warned as some laws differ slightly to the laws in the UK, which may affect some drivers.

Much like the UK, stronger punishments are coming in for the use of mobile phones when driving.

Driving while holding a mobile phone, regardless of how it is being used, will now cost drivers six points on their driving licence.

This is three more than current laws, with drivers also expected to be hit with fines of €200 (£168).

Drivers who overtake cyclists without maintaining a safe distance of at least 1.5 metres will also lose six points off their licences. 

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Throwing objects onto the road that could cause fires or accidents, such as cigarette butts or coffee cups, will now earn offending drivers a hefty €500 (£420) fine.

The same applies for the use of unauthorised intercommunication devices in the theory or practical test.

The improper use of immobiliser breathalysers could also cost people €500 (£420) as part of the new rules, as could not following the rules on roadside assistance operation following an accident.

Failure to stop and assist at an accident if a driver is the first on the scene is a crime in Spain’s Penal Code.

Spain is the only country in the European Union which allowed surpassing the speed limit of 90km/h on these roads and that 77 percent of fatal road accidents in Spain take place on secondary roads.

This is often as a result of overtaking manoeuvres where there’s one lane in each direction and two vehicles collide head on.

Further law changes are expected later this year, including stronger laws to prevent drunk drivers from getting behind the wheel.

Anti-snatch breathalysers will be mandatory in transport vehicles (coaches and buses) from July 6th, 2022, and alcohol and drug controls for professional drivers in logistics and haulage are expected sometime in the next year.

There is now a zero alcohol tolerance rate for people under the age of 18 – minors must have a zero alcohol level as drivers of any vehicle.

The legal age to drive a car is 18 in Spain, so this law is directed primarily at teen users of electric scooters, who will now be legally liable if they drink and ride. 

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