eAlert: 16 September 2021 – forestry education funding opportunities


1. 16 September 2021

We want to ensure the forestry sector has the people and skills needed to deliver the new England Trees Action Plan. We are therefore keen to support individuals and organisations to engage with national skills and education policies as part of the Prime Minister’s Plan for Jobs.

In this special edition of the Forest Commission eAlert, we are sharing some of the current education funding opportunities that can benefit the forestry sector – both for training young people and opportunities for employers.

2. National Skills Fund

The National Skills Fund will help adults to train and gain the valuable skills they need to improve their job prospects. It will support the immediate economic recovery and future skills needs by boosting the supply of skills that employers require.

2.1 Free level 3 qualifications for adults

Any adult aged 19 and over who wants to achieve their first full level 3 qualification (equivalent to an advanced technical certificate or diploma, or A levels) can now access hundreds of fully-funded courses. Adults in England who are 24 and over and do not yet a level 3 qualification can also take their first full Level 3 qualification for free.

2.2 How this could be relevant to and benefit forestry?

The offer is part of the Government’s Lifetime Skills Guarantee and Plan for Jobs, helping adults develop the skills to succeed in work throughout life, and supporting businesses to find or develop talented people of all ages to fill skills gaps. The offer includes qualifications in forestry, environmental conservation and arboriculture (see the full list).

The government are keeping the list of qualifications and the sector subject areas in scope under review to ensure this offer adapts to the changing needs of the economy.

2.3 How to apply?

Find out more how to apply online. If you’re 19 to 23 years old, you can also access additional qualifications for free. Individuals in this age group can contact their local college or the National Careers Service for further information.

3. Kickstart Scheme

The Kickstart Scheme provides fully funded jobs for 16-24-year olds who are on Universal Credit and are at risk of long-term unemployment.

The scheme is helping to put young people who have been some of the hardest hit by the economic impact of the pandemic on the first rung of their career ladder. The funding available pays 100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours per week for 6 months. Employers will need to provide support throughout the placement to improve the candidate’s skills and confidence, which will hopefully springboard them into a more permanent role.

More information can be found online.

3.1 How this could be relevant to and benefit forestry?

Employers can apply directly online.

Employers who want more support to get involved with the scheme can partner with one of the many Gateway organisations listed online. Gateways can help provide a local connection and the necessary employability support which is an important element of the Kickstart scheme.

3.2 How to apply?

Employers of all sizes and from all sectors – including the charity sector, land management, the environmental sector, and social enterprises – are being encouraged to sign up as the government redoubles its efforts to create jobs for young people.

We also encourage you to promote the Kickstart Scheme through your channels. There are resources available online to support you.

4. Traineeship Programme

A traineeship is a skills development programme that includes a work placement. It can last from 6 weeks up to 1 year, though most traineeships last for less than 6 months.

This is a key opportunity for forestry businesses, including SMEs and contractors to take on trainees and apprentices.

4.1 Who can apply for a traineeship?

You can apply for a traineeship if you are:

  • eligible to work in England
  • have little or no work experience but are motivated to work
  • aged 16 to 24 (or 25 with an Education, Health and Care plan) and qualified up to level 3

4.2 How to apply?

Guidance and systems such as find a traineeship and the traineeship provider list will continue to be updated as traineeships are delivered.

Information for employers and education providers can be found on the government website.

5. Apprenticeships employer financial incentives

Employers of all sizes are being invited to apply for generous cash incentives to help them take on new apprentices and get more people into work.

The incentive payment is in addition to the £1,000 employers already receive for hiring an apprentice. There are over 600 employer designed apprenticeship standards. This includes forestry operative, arborist, and countryside ranger.

5.1 Apprentices who joined your organisation from 1 April 2021

Employers will receive £3,000 for new apprentices of any age who join their organisation from 1 April 2021 to 30 September 2021 and who start the practical period of their apprenticeship training by 30 November 2021.

You can apply for incentive payments for apprentices from 1 June 2021 to 30 November 2021.

5.2 How this could be relevant to and benefit forestry?

The payment is different to apprenticeship levy funds, so you can spend it on anything to support your organisation’s costs. For example, on training, your apprentice’s travel or their salary. You do not have to pay it back.

5.3 How to apply?

You can apply for the incentive payment after you add new apprentices to your apprenticeship service account.

6. T Levels

T Levels are new, 2-year Level 3 qualifications for 16- to 19-year-olds. Designed with employers, each T Level is equivalent to 3 A levels and helps young people develop the knowledge, attitude, and practical skills to progress into skilled employment, a higher apprenticeship or further study.

Of the 23 T Levels that will be available by 2023, the Agriculture, Land Management and Production T Level will offer students an opportunity to learn about forestry through the Tree and Woodland Management and Maintenance occupational specialism. The T Level and the occupational specialism was developed by employers and industry experts to meet the current and future needs of Forestry employers.

Students will finish their T Level with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to plant and maintain trees and woodlands, and the opportunity to enter the forestry sector.

6.1 How this could be relevant to and benefit forestry?

Offering industry placements to T Level students will provide a great opportunity for the sector to access a wider pool of young people who are interested in a career in forestry and will help to solve some recruitment challenges.

Every T Level student must complete a substantial industry placement, which provides young people the invaluable opportunity to put their learning, knowledge and skills into practice in a real workplace environment and enables employers get early sight of the new talent in their industry. Each industry placement will last a minimum of 315 hours (approximately 45 days) and can be delivered either as a block model, day release or a mix of these.

6.2 How can the sector get involved?

Ahead of the Agriculture, Land Management and Production T Level being introduced in September 2023, the sector can offer placements now for students who are on other agriculture and environment vocational courses. This will help the sector to prepare for delivering T Level placements from September 2023. The forestry sector can also promote the new Agriculture, Land Management and Production T Level qualification across the forestry and education sectors.

To help prepare for hosting placements, the forestry sector will find it helpful to engage with the following resources:

  • T Levels website, which provides information about T Levels and industry placements, including the benefits of hosting a placement and the 10 steps to hosting a placement
  • Employer Support Package website, which provides online guidance, case studies, workshops, as well as 1-2-1 support, to help employers host high-quality industry placements in the agriculture, environment and animal care sector
  • T Level industry placements employer guide, which provides answers to the frequently asked questions for employers about preparing for and delivering high-quality placements

7. Further advice and guidance

For anyone wanting additional advice or support, the National Careers Service can help. You can contact a careers adviser via webchat or by phone on 0800 100 900.

Credit: Source link



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