ESTAS Forum delayed until 2022 because of Supply Chai…


The ESTAS Forum scheduled for the morning of the annual awards ceremony on October 22 has been postponed – but the awards event itself WILL be taking place.

ESTAS founder Simon Brown explains that the Grosvenor House Hotel, which was the venue of the awards and forum events, cannot cope with both on the same day because of the current Supply Chain crisis.

“It’s been a very difficult decision to make as the feedback we received when we announced a forum event with the theme ‘Working Together Better was so positive from agents and conveyancers alike. However the strain on the hotel to produce two events for us in one day is just a bit too much” reports Brown. 

“The recent fuel crisis and the effect on staff numbers due to the pandemic have put a big strain on their resources. 

“On a positive note we have a new date of Tuesday March 29 back at the Grosvenor House Hotel. The format will be similar but we have extended the agenda to a full day conference which will enable us to give our theme the real time and focus it deserves and which is so important for the property industry and the home moving public.”

This year’s ESTAS Awards – still scheduled for October 22 – are now completely sold out and will be full to capacity with 1,200 guests ready to celebrate their work over the last 18 months. 

For the first time agents, conveyancers and brokers will be honoured together rather than at separate events. 

TV celebrity Phil Spencer will be making the awards, which are based purely on ratings from thousands of home movers who have submitted a customer review on the ESTAS review platform. He says: “We salute all those firms that have worked so had over the last 18 months, delivering great service has never been more challenging so The ESTAS Awards for 2021 are the most well deserved ever.”

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