Haverfordwest Town Council increase town’s precept


HAVERFORDWEST Town Council has increased the town’s precept, having frozen it during the pandemic.

The precept for accounts 2022/2023, beginning April 1, is set at £370,000. It means the cost per band D equivalent property is £74.91 – last year it was £66.53.

The town council has budgeted to spend a predicted £498,872.

More than £50,000 (£50,447) has been set aside for elections to be held in May (May 5) and £2,000 on mayor-making as Cllr Alan Buckfield steps aside as the town’s mayor.

This was Cllr Buckfield’s fifth term as mayor, occupying the role for the last two years.

More than £57,000 (£57,100) is budgeted for The Old Wool Market – Haverfordwest Town Council’s new base of operations after moving from Picton House.

Other recipients include the town’s pavilion (£8,600), Picton Centre (£13,800), Priory Saltings (£450) and library funding of £13,300.

On ‘town improvements’, £32,800 is budgeted on Christmas lights, £1,500 on Christmas events, and £25,250 on the new community garden to be built at Lower Cambrian Place.

The council has had a turbulent year with a number of councillors resigning including Jim Dunckley, Benedict Ferguson, and Dan Blyth.

Town clerk Juliet Raymond said in her time in the role she has never seen the council with such a low number of councillors.

Things are picking up though, with the council recently announcing two new councillors; Shane Pearce for the Castle Ward and Jill Owens for the Priory Ward.

Clerk Ms Raymond said that it’s been a difficult patch for the council during the pandemic.

“Because of Covid it has been difficult to engage with the public.

“More often than not its word of mouth we rely on. People will talk at the pub or events and less of that has been happening.”

This year is a big year for local councils, with local elections taking place across Wales on May 5.

Credit: Source link



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