House the Homeless holds New Year’s Day event for winter resources


AUSTIN (KXAN) — House the Homeless held its 21st annual New Year’s Day celebration Saturday. The organization provided houseless members of the community with information, resources and cold weather supplies ahead of Saturday night’s forecast below freezing temperatures.

“There’s a new face to homelessness now, and we’re finding people that formally have jobs, even families…and they’re staying in a car,” co-organizer Will Hyatt said Saturday.

The City of Austin activated its cold-weather shelters Saturday ahead of the overnight cold weather coming to Central Texas.

“It’s absolutely critical to get some of the basics that people need to stay alive in the cold weather. We give away hats, scarves, gloves, thermal underwears, things that help people get through the winter,” Hyatt said.

The city collaborates with Travis County, Capital Metro, The Salvation Army, Front Steps and other area services providers to offer shelter resources when temperatures dip near or below freezing.

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