Japanese Knotweed cases surge in the UK – top 10 counties with largest growth confirmed


A study, which looked at National Biodiversity Network figures from 49 local authorities in Britain, found that the invasive weed has spread like wildfire across the country. The troublesome plant species was originally imported into the UK from Japan back in the 19th century. It was originally thought that the plant would stabilise and add natural beauty to railway embankments.

Shockingly, 12 percent of the 907 UK homeowners surveyed by YouGov had never heard of the invasive weed.

Nearly half (47 percent) also claimed they did not know what the plant looked like from a line-up of plant images.

Dean Wilson from Horticulture.co.uk said if you are looking to buy a property, you need to instruct a surveyor to check for Japanese Knotweed.

He said: “When instructing a surveyor for your new home purchase, always ask them to look for Japanese Knotweed and other invasive plants.”

Which regions have the most confirmed cases of Japanese Knotweed in the UK?

Over the last five years, South Yorkshire has seen the most confirmed live cases with a more than 77 percent increase in the past five years.

South Yorkshire was followed by Hampshire, West Sussex, Kent and Powys.

In the last five years, the national average of confirmed cases has soared to 29,536, a 27.91 percent increase.

UK regions with the most growth in live cases over the last five years:

County: South Yorkshire

Total confirmed live cases: 1,111

Five-year change: +77.19 percent

County: Hampshire

Total confirmed live cases: 123

Five-year change: +73.24 percent

County: West Sussex

Total confirmed live cases: 155

Five-year change: +72.22 percent

County: Kent

Total confirmed live cases: 217

Five-year change: +64.39 percent

County: Powys

Total confirmed live cases: 923

Five-year change: +61.93 percent

County: North Yorkshire

Total confirmed live cases: 215

Five-year change: +58.09 percent

County: Cardiff

Total confirmed live cases: 280

Five-year change: +53.01 percent

County: West Yorkshire

Total confirmed live cases: 1,762

Five-year change: +52.82 percent

County: Surrey

Total confirmed live cases: 200

Five-year change: +49.25 percent

County: Shropshire

Total confirmed live cases: 146

Five-year change: +47.47 percent

Credit: Source link



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