Mum branded “absolute thug” for battering son’s ex-girlfriend in street brawl


A woman punched, kicked and wrenched clumps of hair from her son’s ex-girlfriend’s head in front of a terrified child.

Shona Boyd, 55, attacked Louise Norton in her Renfrew home and then chased her into the street where she continued to batter the victim after knocking her to the ground.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard worried neighbours who rushed out to stop the onslaught were threatened by Boyd’s partner Allan McMahon, 53, who warned he was going to “slash” them.

Both Boyd and McMahon appeared in the dock before Sheriff Eion McGinty where the horrific events of April 3 were laid bare.

Procurator fiscal depute Kirsten Brierley told how Boyd, McMahon, her son Ryan Marshall and his ex-partner Ms Norton had been drinking at her home in Nethergreen Crescent, when all hell broke lose.

She said: “All the parties had been consuming alcohol when an argument ensued between Ms Norton and Boyd.

“Boyd assaulted Ms Norton by pulling her by her hair and repeatedly punching her on the face.

“The witness was advised to leave the property with a child.

“They were then pursued into the street by the accused Boyd.

“At that point, Ms Norton contacted her father by phone to tell him about the altercation and requested that he contact her.

“In the background of the call to Mr Terence Boyd, a voice can be heard shouting, ‘Get the f**k out of my house’.”

The court heard Boyd attacked Ms Norton in the street by “punching her on the face causing her nose to bleed”.

The prosecutor added: “With the ferocity of the assault, Ms Norton was knocked to the ground.

“Whereupon Boyd began assaulting her by punching her repeatedly to the face and kicking her on the body.

“This was observed by an eight-year-old child who was left distressed, screaming for Boyd to stop.

“Neighbours who overhead the disturbance attended to offer assistance.

“McMahon attended in the roadway where he subjected neighbours to a tirade of abuse and threats, stating: ‘I am going to slash people’.”

The court heard one neighbour took Ms Norton and the youngster to a house to offer them comfort.

Boyd pleaded guilty to assaulting Ms Norton.

McMahon admitted behaving in a threatening and abusive manner by acting aggressively, shouting, swearing and uttering threats of violence.

The court was shown a series of photos of the injuries suffered by Ms Norton, including cuts, bruises and swelling to her face, neck and body.

Images of clumps of her hair were also shown to Sheriff

However, defence agent Amy Spencer pointed out her client Boyd had sustained a broken wrist as a result of the fracas.

She added there was “provocation” behind the events of that evening.

She said: “She is absolutely appalled by her conduct and when your Lordship was looking through the photos, she looked even more ashamed.

“There was a build up of bad feelings between her and the complainer over several

“It all came out in the most dramatic way. She herself ended up with a broken wrist.

“This doesn’t diminish it in any manner of means, but there was a degree of provocation in relation to this matter.”

Sheriff McGinty branded the attack: “Absolute thuggery at its highest.”

He told her: “This was an appalling and despicable assault on your son’s ex-girlfriend at your home address, in the street, and in front of neighbours, where you acted like an absolute

“You repeatedly punched her face, kicked her body and pulled out clumps of her hair in front of an eight-year-old child.

“You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself.”

He said he came close to sending her to prison, but spared her custody by putting her on an electronic tag for four months, placing her under mandatory supervision of the local authority for 18 months and he ordered her to carry out 240 hours of unpaid

She was also handed an Non Harrassment Order, banning her from contacting or approaching Ms Norton for two years.

He fined McMahon £750 for his part in the disturbance.

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