Official Covid moving home advice singles out ‘unvaxxed’ for special treatment


The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has updated its Covid advice for moving home by singling out the unvaccinated who now can’t legally move if someone they live with tests positive.

In a sign that the government is moving against the ‘unvaxxed’, un-jabbed renters and house buyers will have to stay put, whereas those who have been vaccinated are only advised to test and then stay at home if a lateral flow test is positive.

New guidelines on the government website explain that if you are aged 18 years, six months or over, are not fully vaccinated, and live in the same household as someone with Covid, you are legally required to stay at home and self-isolate.

But, if you are fully vaccinated or aged under 18 years and six months, and live in the same household as someone with Covid, you are not legally required to self-isolate.

Strongly advised

But it says: “You are strongly advised to take a Lateral Flow Device test every day for seven days, and to self-isolate if any of these test results is positive.”

The government advice adds that there is a greater risk that home moves may need to be delayed if someone in the transaction shows symptoms of Covid or is self-isolating.

“We encourage all parties involved to be as flexible as possible and be prepared to delay moves, for example if one of those involved becomes ill with COVID-19 during the moving process or has to self-isolate.”

Read the guidance in full.

Credit: Source link



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