Online pet referencing service for tenants to launch ‘in a few weeks’ says founder


A new service that offers pet owners a free referencing service for their dog or cat is to go live in September after months of preparation.

As LandlordZONE reported in June, PetScore is the brainchild of tech businesswoman Natasha Home-Earley (main picture) whose family own a buy-to-let property portfolio.

She says the platform is now built and is now going through testing after which her development team will need a few weeks to sort out any bugs before it goes live.

Home-Earley says the initiative, which has signed up its first lettings agency to offer the service to tenants, is the ideal solution to solve the ongoing challenges for landlords of renting their properties to pet-owning tenants.

It enables tenants to register their pets for free including their cat or dog’s microchip number, breed/size/weight, vaccinations, pet insurance details, medical treatments (fleas, ticks, etc), pet training, landlord/letting agent references, exercise levels andpet temperament.

Petscore, like human tenant referencing, charges agents a small fee or subscription to see pet references.

One of the first agents to sign up is Sheffield-based ethical lettings agency My Landlord Cares.

“In our bid to be better landlords and letting agents, we want to accept more pets and their owners in our properties,” says the agency’s co-founder Mahara Haque.

“PetScore is a pet referencing company and will allow landlords to see pets are well behaved.”

PetScore is initially launching just its referencing platform with plans to offer an insurance-based product at a later date. This will enable tenants to insure themselves against any damage their pet does to a property.

Read more about pet referencing.

Credit: Source link



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