Place North West | Fairhursts Design Group agrees Place partnership ahead of MIPIM


The Manchester-based architecture, masterplanning, and interior design practice is beginning a 12-month marketing and business development campaign with Place North West, including several elements geared towards helping Fairhursts maximise its time at the international property conference.

Mark Adey, managing director of The Fairhursts Design Group said: “Becoming a strategic partner of Place North West, and committing to a full schedule of sponsorships and events throughout 2022, is an exciting step for The Fairhursts Design Group and comes on the back of a significant year for the practice.

“2021 saw us celebrate our 125th year in business, relocate our head office to Manchester’s Northern Quarter and welcome in a new generation of leaders within the business. We are now looking forward to further developing our position within the North West property market as well as within our specific sectors of expertise – science, workplace, education, and advanced manufacturing.

“Working alongside Place North West will provide us with more opportunities to develop key relationships, take part in important conversations and shine a spotlight on the great work we do.”

The bespoke agreement with Place North West includes

  • Event sponsorships (Place MIPIM Closing Drinks on 17 March, Offices + Workspaces Update on 20 October, and Merseyside Development Update on 10 November)
  • Roundtables
  • Podcasts
  • MIPIM activity

“We have always had an excellent working relationship with Fairhursts over the years,” said Place North West commercial director Dino Moutsopoulos. “I’m particularly thrilled that the new management team has chosen Place to help with their 2022 profile and I look forward to kicking off that work at MIPIM next month.”

The Fairhursts Design Group team attending MIPIM  comprises director Laura Sherliker, head of interiors Stevie Leigh, and strategic business development manager Nicola Rudman. You can connect with them using the information below.

Laura Sherliker, Fairhursts Design Group, P Fairhursts Design Group

Laura Sherliker, Director

Laura Sherliker | LinkedIn

Stevie Leigh, Fairhursts Design Group, P Fairhursts Design Group

Stevie Leigh, Head of Interiors

Stevie Leigh | LinkedIn


Nicola Rudman, Strategic Business Development

Nicola Rudman | LinkedIn

Credit: Source link



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