Police Professional | Referrals of suspected cases of forced marriage almost halved during lockdown

Referrals of suspected cases of forced marriage almost halved during lockdown

Referrals of cases of suspected forced marriage and possible female genital mutilation (FGM) fell by 44 per cent in 2020, largely due to restrictions in place during the coronavirus pandemic, latest figures show.

Jul 2, 2021

By Paul Jacques

The Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) gave advice or support in 759 cases related to a possible forced marriage and/or possible FGM last year, according to the Home Office and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

This includes 750 cases solely related to forced marriage, three cases related to both forced marriage and FGM, and six cases solely related to FGM.

The 759 cases in 2020 represents a 44 per cent decrease on the average number of cases (1,359) received annually between 2011 and 2019. The FMU believes this is largely attributable to “reasons derived from the coronavirus pandemic, such as restrictions on weddings and overseas travel, which have been in place to varying degrees from March 2020”.

Following the introduction of the first lockdown in the UK, referrals to the FMU fell from an average of 82 a month (January to March 2020) to 44 a month (April to June 2020). A procedural change regarding whether to log a new case as a referral or a general inquiry is also likely to have had a minor impact on the overall number of cases compared with previous years.

The latest figures include contact that was made to the FMU through the public helpline or by email in relation to a new case.

The FMU also received more than 400 general inquires that did not relate to a specific case.

Of the cases that the FMU provided advice or support to in 2020:

  • 199 (26 per cent) involved victims below 18 years of age;
  • 278 (37 per cent) involved victims aged 18 to 25;
  • 66 (nine per cent) involved victims with mental capacity concerns; and
  • 603 (79 per cent) involved female victims, and 156 cases (21 per cent) involved male victims.

The FMU says these proportions are broadly in line with case numbers from recent years.

Pakistan was the country linked to greatest number of cases – 286, representing 38 per cent of the total.

The majority (80 per cent) of victims were in the UK at the time the case was referred to the FMU.

Seven per cent of cases (53) during 2020 had no overseas element, with the potential or actual forced marriage taking place entirely within the UK.

However, the FMU said these statistics represent only the cases that have been reported to it and where it has actively given advice or support. The FMU says forced marriage is a hidden crime, and these figures “will not reflect the full scale of the abuse”.

The majority of cases (62 per cent) were reported by professionals such as police and social services, borders and immigration staff, and those in the education, legal and health sectors.

The greatest number of cases were reported in London, the West Midlands and the North West, together accounting for almost half (48 per cent) of referrals.

Credit: Source link



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