Property expert’s tips to keep your house cool – and how to sleep in a heatwave


With temperatures set to soar above 35C in parts of the UK, Brits will be doing everything in their power to stay cool.

While you might enjoy the sunshine from a nice cold swimming pool, it’s not quite the same walking into a hot house.

Unless you have air conditioning fitted in your home – which most Brits don’t – you’ll have to think of some other ways to keep it cool.

Thankfully, That Property Guy on TikTok is here to help.

In a video that has been viewed more than two million times, he says: “I don’t know about you but I’m starting to struggle with this heat, so here are some ways to keep your house cool.”

Put bowls of ice and water in front of any fans

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The Property Guy’s first tip is to keep windows, blinds and curtains closed during the day as this will keep the hot air out.

But, if you need to open them, try to open them at opposite ends of the house as this creates airflow.

To circulate cool air inside, fill up some bowls with water and ice and place them in different areas of the house – in front of a fan works best if you have one.

Tips to stay cool TikTok
Cook your food outside if you can

He then suggests trying to do any cooking outside on the BBQ, if possible, as ovens create heat.

If you struggle to go to sleep when it’s hot, That Property Guy has the perfect hack for you – freeze your bed covers before you go to bed.

Simply take off your sheets, put them into a bag and pop them in the freezer.

Tips to stay cool
Perfect for people who struggle to sleep in the heat

When it’s time to hit the hay, put them back on and they’ll be nice and cold.

You could also swap out any halogen light bulbs – as they create heat too – and change them to LED’s if you can.

And finally, the expert suggests turning off any appliances, like your TV, when you’re not using them.

Since being posted, the video has racked up more than 200,000 likes and 1,500 comments from people thanking him for sharing.

One person said: “Yep I do this, makes a massive difference and really works.”

Another wrote: “The hero we all need.”

“I can already feel the cold air watching this,” added a third.

You can follow That Property Guy’s tips, tricks, and renovation journey on his Instagram, here.

Have you got any more hacks? Let us know in the comments.

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