Property: How to save over £11k on repairs by spending just £220 on home maintenance


Autumn can be an expensive time of year, especially where your property is concerned. As the weather changes and the trees begin shedding their leaves, problems with your home can begin to arise. From boiler repairs to insulation, now is the time to give your home some TLC and save yourself potentially thousands before winter begins.

Insulating your pipes will cost around £20.

Cost of insulating primary pipework: £20

Potential cost if ignored: £7,500 (repairing burst pipes)

Saving: £7,480

Seal cracks

Sealing cracks in doors and windows, or replacing them may sound expensive but it could save you a lot of cash.

Replacing a window frame can cost around £291 if damaged beyond repair.

Cracks in walls, frames and doors can cause a plethora of issues.

A bit of sealant around your doors and windows is an easy fix which could save you making replacements over the winter.

Cost of sealant: £4.20

Potential cost if ignored: £291 (replacing a window frame)

Saving: £286.80

Clean your gutters

Preventing leaves from building up in your gutter using a professional could cost you around £135.

Cleaning debris from your garden and gutter is an ongoing task in the autumn.

Falling leaves and potentially difficult weather can mean your gutters may need more than one clean.

Being able to climb a ladder and check the gutters yourself may not be possible, so hiring a professional

for the job at around £135 may be the way to go.

Cost of professional gutter cleaning: £135

Potential cost if ignored: £1000 (water damage costs)

Saving: £865

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