Property Reporter Awards 2022 winners revealed


Property Reporter is thrilled to announce the winners of the Property Reporter Awards 2022, a growing awards programme that champions the efforts and achievements of UK property professionals, this year proudly supported by Roma.

Now in its second year, the event has seen over 1600 applications and nominations from both inside and outside the property sphere – a clear sign that the innovation and efforts of those who operate within the industry are not only recognised but also celebrated.

In addition to extending special thanks to Roma for their support, Property Reporter would also like to take this opportunity to thank our incredible panel of judges – without whom the awards would not have been possible thanks to their time, effort and insight.

The nominations and applications have now been reduced to just 15 highly-deserving winners, revealing an awe-inspiring selection of businesses who took centre stage at today’s Property Reporter Awards winners party at Studio Spaces in London.

Warren Lewis, Property Reporter editor, said: “Following the events of the past two years, I think it’s more important than ever to shine the spotlight on those within the UK property industry who have excelled.

“Property Reporter believes that innovation and creativity should be celebrated and that those who help and support landlords and other property professionals, along with those who continuously strive for excellence within their corner of the industry, should be honoured. And, judging by the volume of this year’s nominations, it’s good to know that many agree.

“Well done to everyone who took part and a huge congratulations to our thoroughly deserving winners. You’re a credit to our industry and the fact you have been recognised for this is more than deserved.

“A huge thanks to all for making the Property Reporter Awards 2022 a success, we look forward to seeing you again next year.”

To see the full list of all this year’s deserving winners, please click here

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