RTO Kashmir urges people –



Srinagar: In order to put a cap on menace of corruption, Regional Transport Officer (RTO) Kashmir, Sajid Yehaya Naqash has said that the general public should not fall in the trap of intermediaries, brokers or agents to get their official work done.

In an official notification issued by the RTO Kashmir, Sajid Yehaya Naqash, a copy of which lies with the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) informed that people should approach the office of the undersigned or district offices for any official work and not slip into the trap of any intermediaries, touts etc. who are ready to snare innocent people into the, thong clutches.

The RTO Kashmir seeks the support of the public to root out the menace of corruption and illegal intermediaries and defeat the existing impression that any work in the office of RTO Kashmir can be done only through brokers and agents.

“Our online process offers quality and hassle-free services to the public and also has also eased many other offline processes with immediate effect. The processes have been made so simple that any individual can avail of the services without wasting any time and money,” RTO informed.

It was also informed that intermediaries have absolutely no role in the official business and an application forwarded through any intermediary, agent shall summarily be rejected, followed by police action both against the individual as well as the intermediary involved.

“The general public is requested to actively cooperate with the department and as responsible citizens play their part in the eradication of corruption and put an end to the menace of intermediaries, agents etc.,” It reads.

RTO Kashmir, in the notification has said that, “during my tenure the public will face no problem in getting their works done within the stipulated time, in case they approach the office of the undersigned directly, for all works mandated to be performed by this office.”—(KNO)

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