The NEC and Manchester Central featured on The Apprentice


The NEC and Manchester Central recently represented the events industry in an episode of The Apprentice.

Manchester Central CEO Shaun Hinds featured in the episode, along with NEC Group director of property, partnerships and media, Andy Cole (pictured left) and C&E senior marketing manager, Gemma Piggott (right). 

Wembley Arena representatives and We are the Fair CEO Nick Morgan and head of production Yasmin Galletti also made an appearance. 

In the episode, candidates had to design, brand and pitch their own electric driverless POD to various industry experts.

Piggott said: “It was an amazing experience to be involved with a show that I’ve loved watching for years. It was such a surreal moment to see Andy and me on screen representing the NEC and the live events industry on primetime television, as one of the episode’s major corporate clients.

“Despite hiding behind a cushion to watch it, I’m so proud to have been involved in such a unique opportunity and get the NEC namechecked by Lord Sugar and Karren Brady and broadcast into the living rooms of seven million viewers.”

Hinds said: “It was great to be involved and interesting to see how the candidates approached the task. We certainly enjoyed being able to give constructive feedback as part of the process.

“More than anything, it was fantastic for the UK’s events industry to be featured on a primetime show such as The Apprentice. I hope that it helped to raise the profile of the brilliant work that venues like Manchester Central undertake to offer quality experiences for all of our collective clients.”

Credit: Source link



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