Trump news – today: Ex-president reportedly plans to endorse underdog JD Vance in Ohio’s close Senate race


Mitch McConnell explains why he will still support Donald Trump

Donald Trump has said that he wouldn’t go back to Twitter if his ban was lifted during an interview in which he also boasted about Hispanic support for the Republican Party.

Mr Trump also told SiriusXM’s Americano Media people would be “very happy” about his plans for the 2024 election, which he said would be made public after the midterms in the fall.

Concerning Twitter, Mr Trump said that he “probably wouldn’t have any interest” in going back.

Meanwhile, two lawyers who served at the most senior level in the Trump White House are today set to talk to the committee investigating events leading up to the 6 January insurrection. Former White House counsel Pat Cipollone and his onetime deputy Pat Philbin are reportedly speaking to the committee on a semi-formal basis rather than giving full testimony.

Meanwhile, the latest Capitol riot defendant to go on trial is blaming his actions on Donald Trump and his false claims about a stolen election, in a rare mention of the former president’s role during the ongoing hearings.

Dustin Byron Thompson, an Ohio man charged with stealing a coat rack from the Capitol, did not deny that he joined the mob on 6 January 2021. But his lawyer vowed on Tuesday to show that Mr Trump abused his power to “authorise” the attack.


Eric Garcia: We have to talk about Diane Feinstein

A report detailing concerns of colleagues that Sen Diane Feinstein is mentally unfit to serve in the Senate needs to be discussed seriously by the US national media, The Independent’s Eric Garcia.

“[S]hying away from doing so would be an unforgiveable error,” he writes.

Read more from Eric about the senior California senator:

John Bowden14 April 2022 20:45


Trump-backed candidate in Nebraska accused of groping women

A Republican candidate for governor in Nebraska endorsed by Donald Trump was accused by multiple women of unwanted groping in an article published on Thursday in a local newspaper.

Charles Herbster, a frontrunner in the Republican primary for governor, has denied the allegations from eight women in the Nebraska Examiner.

Women said the incidents occurred while Mr Herbster was a beauty padgeant judge as well as during his campaign for governor.

John Bowden14 April 2022 20:13


Scrutiny on Democratic senator after home state newspaper questions if she’s ‘mentally unfit to serve’

One of the Senate’s oldest members, Diane Feinstein, was the subject of debate on Twitter on Thursday as users discussed a San Francisco Chronicle article that cited the senior state senator’s own Democratic colleagues questioning whether her mental faculties were slipping.

A Demcoratic member of the House from her home state even described having to reintroduce himself to the senator multiple times in one conversation.

“She was an intellectual and political force not that long ago, and that’s why my encounter with her was so jarring. Because there was just no trace of that,” they said.

John Bowden14 April 2022 19:55


Trump is planning to endorse JD Vance in Ohio’s tight Senate race: NBC News

NBC News reported on Thursday citing multiple Republican sources close to Donald Trump that the former president plans to endorse author JD Vance in Ohio’s tight Senate race.

Polls have shown Mr Vance trailing others in the race including Josh Mandel, another right-wing conservative who has vied for Mr Trump’s blessing. And Mr Mandel’s campaign reportedly did not take the news well, according to NBC.

“The Mandel people hit the roof,” one Republican source told the network.

John Bowden14 April 2022 19:16


ICYMI: GOP pollster says party mocks Trump in private

Veteran pollster Frank Luntz said in an interview with The Daily Beast that New Hampshire Gov Chris Sununu’s roast of Donald Trump at the DC-based Gridiron Dinner was a symptom of a larger phenomenon within the GOP: the tendency of its members to privately mock the bombastic Trump behind the scenes.

“They won’t say it [in public], but behind his back they think he’s a child. They’re laughing at him. That’s what made [Sununu’s comments] significant,” he said.

Read more from The Independent’s Graeme Massie:

John Bowden14 April 2022 18:15


Tennessee Republican cites Hitler in argument that homeless should aspire to a ‘productive life’

A Tennessee state legislator justified his support for a bill targeting homeless camps on public property by citing the example of the genocidal dictator Adolf Hitler.

In a shocking set of remarks to his fellow lawmakers on the state Senate floor, he justified his support for a bill meant to drive homeless encampments away from highways and other state property by decribing the suppsedly inspiring tale of the German Nazi dictator who was responsible for the murder of millions.

“For two years, Hitler lived on the streets and practiced his oratory and his body language and how to connect with the masses, and then went on to lead a life that got him in the history books,” Senator Frank Nicely exclaimed.

Read more in The Independent from Andrew Feinberg:

John Bowden14 April 2022 17:56


ICYMI: Texas Governor Abbott buses migrants from border and leaves them at Fox’s DC HQ

Texas Governor Greg Abbott is going forward with his plan to bus undocumented migrants to Washington DC despite concerns from most legal experts regarding his total lack of authority to do so.

The Texas Republican’s administration oversaw the first arrival of a busload of undocumented migrants to the nation’s capital on Wednesday; the bus arrived at the headquarters of right-leaning network Fox News.

Read more from The Independent:

John Bowden14 April 2022 17:10


Trump aide Stephen Miller reverses and agrees to cooperate with Capitol riot committee

Stephen Miller, a former top aide in the Trump White House, will testify before the Jan 6 committee today. It’s a huge reversal for Mr Miller, who has sought to keep lawmakers on the committee from obtaining his phone records, and shows how even some of Donald Trump’s fiercest allies fear the wrath of the Justice Department.

Read more from The Independent:

John Bowden14 April 2022 16:04


Trump told Barr: Get impeached

Former President Donald Trump turned to Fox News to excoriate his former attorney general over a wide range of issues, and shared some advice he gave the former head of the US Justice Department.

“I said: ‘Look, get impeached. I went up a lot in the polls when I got impeached. You have to get impeached, maybe.’ But he was so afraid of being impeached that he refused to do his job,” Trump said on Fox News.

John Bowden14 April 2022 15:37


Elon Musk shocks Twitter, offers to buy platform

Tesla CEO Elon Musk made an offer to buy Twitter on Thursday.

His potential purchase of the site is seen by some as an effort to push for weaker content moderation across social media. Doing so could allow or encourage former President Donald Trump to return to the site.

Read more from The Independent’s Andrew Feindberg

John Bowden14 April 2022 15:09

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