Ukraine humanitarian crisis: guidance for charities and trustees


The situation in Ukraine is changing rapidly. We recognise the complex challenge this poses for charities responding to the crisis at home or abroad. We have set out below our guidance on the most commonly asked questions and will be reviewing this guidance regularly.

For members of the public, please see advice on:

Fundraising and Ukraine appeals

Many charities are already raising funds and have launched appeals. Our guidance about emergency appeals explains how your charity can help when responding to an emergency. It includes advice about collaborating with other charities and managing risks when planning an appeal.

Setting up a new charity to help the people of Ukraine

We recognise that people want to take urgent action and help those in need.

Whilst we are prioritising applications to register charities with objects that relate to the crisis in Ukraine, we encourage those applying to first consider whether supporting an established registered charity with relevant experience may be more efficient: existing humanitarian charities know how to get help to those who need it and know how to operate safely on the ground.

For example, the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), a coalition of 15 leading UK charities, has launched its collective appeal for Ukraine and many other registered charities are also helping to provide vital services to those caught up in the conflict.

To find charities helping in relevant areas, you can search the public Register of charities.

Changing charitable objects to support the Ukraine crisis

Naturally, lots of charities are considering whether they can provide support at this time. You should first consider whether your charity’s existing charitable objects allow you to help. These are set out in your charity’s governing document.

If your existing objects do not allow you to help, you may be able to amend your governing document to change them. But consider first:

  • whether there are other charities that may be better placed to respond than yours
  • the wider and longer-term impact of changing your charity’s objects including on your existing beneficiaries
  • whether it is in the best interests of your charity

Use the principles of trustee decision-making and take independent professional advice if appropriate.

If you decide it is in your charity’s best interests to change your charity’s objects, use our guidance on how to make changes to your charity’s governing document.


Protecting people and safeguarding responsibilities are a fundamental part of operating as a charity for the public benefit.

Operating in a conflict zone is incredibly complex, as is providing support to those fleeing conflict zones, but it is critical that charities protect and safeguard their beneficiaries, volunteers and staff. We urge trustees to:

Organising or participating in aid convoys

The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) currently advises against all travel to Ukraine and no longer provides consular assistance in person due to the deteriorating security situation.

Trustees of charities and charitable appeals providing humanitarian support need to think very carefully about whether organising and/or participating in a convoy is the most effective way to deliver aid to those in need. Supporting local economies by buying much needed goods close to the point of need is often a more practical and sustainable alternative.

Charities that appeal for or purchase medicines should also be aware of, and ensure they are compliant with, the relevant regulations.

Complying with financial sanctions and identifying donors

All UK nationals and legal entities established under UK law, including charities, must comply with UK financial sanctions, wherever in the world their activities take place.

The Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) publishes a list of all those subject to financial sanctions in the UK and has produced guidance for charities on how to ensure compliance with financial sanctions.

It is your responsibility to check whether individuals or organisations you are dealing with are subject to financial sanctions and take appropriate action to ensure you are not breaching the regulations.

Know your donor – key questions for trustees

Working with new partners

If you are considering working with new partners, remember the ‘know your partner’ principle. Trustees must carry out appropriate and proper due diligence on individuals and organisations that the charity gives grants to or uses to help deliver its work. This includes assessing the risks to ensure that those partners are suitable and appropriate for the charity to work with.

Know your partner – key issues to think about

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