York Age UK awarded £10,000 grant to ease loneliness in older people post-covid


AGE UK York is planning a more socially active 2022 for older people.

The charity has been awarded a £10,000 grant from the Awards for All programme from the National Lottery Community Fund.

It will allow them to run new activities and events for people over age 65 to get more involved with their local communities next year.

Age UK York was  awarded the grant last month and are planning to invest it in encouraging older people to grow in confidence, to socialise and become independent after isolating due to the pandemic.

The older people’s charity is planning to trial a number of new activities including book clubs, lunch clubs, games clubs, and coffee mornings in community venues, as well as extending their Out and About services to provide one to one support in resuming to daily life, such as taking a bus into town, going to the swimming pool or meeting with friends.

Andy Waites, of Age UK York, said: “Thanks to all the people who play the lottery for helping make this possible.

“This is really important given the Covid restrictions and isolation that many older people have endured during the pandemic – there is considerable evidence that people that remain active in their community are better able to retain their independence and good health.

“For many older people this has meant that they didn’t leave the house for some months often resulting in them becoming socially isolated and affecting their physical and mental health.

“Some older people are still wary of going out given the ongoing pandemic, others have found that the lockdown has knocked their confidence and they need support to resume activities that they used to do – even everyday things such as shopping or going to a library or café.”

The charity was able to run some activities in 2021, including its provision of carer respite, other activities were switched from face to face to telephone and online services for those uncomfortable with group activities – although face to face dayclubs in smaller groups were able to return.

Furthermore, Age UK York opened a new shop in Fossgate in October from its original Walmgate property, which has received “compliments from the public on the layout and the quality of the good for sale”.

Andy said: “The shop does need more donations of good quality pre-owned clothing and bric a brac.

“Donations have been affected by the closure of Fossgate to traffic except for access, and people think they aren’t allowed to drive up Fossgate to drop donations off but in fact dropping off donations is classed as access and so is permitted.”

Credit: Source link



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